

Share your Pictures

We invite you to share photos of your celebrations of women in robotics with us! By capturing and sharing these moments, you help highlight the achievements and contributions of women in this field, inspiring others and promoting a more inclusive community. Whether it’s an event, a project, or a simple gathering, your photos can tell a powerful story and encourage more women to explore and excel in robotics. Let’s showcase these inspiring celebrations together and shine a light on the remarkable women who are shaping the future of robotics.

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Share Women in Robotics Day on social media

Join the global celebration “building the future” of robotics by sharing your support for International Women in Robotics day on social media! Use hashtags #IntWirDay, #ShineALight, and #WomenInRobotics to spread the word and amplify the voices of incredible women making their mark in the world of robotics. Let’s inspire and encourage the next generation of trailblazing roboticists together!

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🤖 Happy Women in Robotics Day! 🎉 Let’s celebrate the incredible achievements and contributions of women in the field of robotics. Join us as we #ShineALight on all of the women in robotics! #WomenInRobotics #IntWirDay

🌟 Celebrating Women in Robotics Day! 🚀 Honoring the brilliant women who are pioneering advancements in robotics. #WomenInRobotics #IntWirDay #ShineALight

👩‍💻 Women in Robotics Day is here! 🤖 Let’s give a shoutout to all the amazing women making strides in robotics. Your work is inspiring! #WomenInRobotics #IntWirDay #ShineALight

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