25 Women in Robotics you need to know about 2015

25 Women in Robotics you need to know about 2015

Ada Lovelace was the world’s first computer programmer, and heralded symbolic logic by demonstrating future applications for the universal computing machine that Charles Babbage proposed. She was exceptional in her era for her mathematical brilliance, but though she imagined future applications for a multitude of technological innovations, women at that time were not encouraged to speak about or publish their work, so Lovelace’s genius was appended as ‘notes’ onto the work of others and not seen as a major contribution in its own right.

The fact that the contributions of women such as Lovelace have not been celebrated until recently gives us cause to remedy the situation. Now in its third year, our list of ‘25 Women in Robotics You Need to Know About’ is both a shoutout and a call to look at what all these women in robotics have achieved! 

This has been a year of extremes for women in robotics. We celebrated the news of a phenomenal ICRA — one of the premier academic robotics events worldwide, and this year brought to us by an all-female organising committee. But we also despaired that IROS, equally esteemed in academic circles, featured not a single woman delivering a keynote, plenary, or participating in many of the key discussions, such as the futurist forum or the citizen forum. The DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) Finals 2015 were similarly lacking; of the 444 robot builders representing 24 robot entrants, only 23 builders were women (though some of the most successful teams at the DRC had female team members). Given how multidisciplinary the field is, and how many different skills are required, we need to celebrate women who are achieving greatness in robotics until we are seeing more parity.

This list showcases women in a wide range of roles and career stages, from the early stage entrepreneur/academic to those who are at their peak. We’ve also featured women working in a wide range of fields: women who are inspiring young Africans, trailblazing the field of surgical robotics, and helping us beautify ourselves using technology.

The honourees on our list of 25 Women in Robotics You Need to Know About – 2015 have been chosen for the resilience, perseverance and sheer brilliance they had to demonstrate to get to the top of their particular tree. Whatever your field, we hope that you find a woman doing great things in robotics to inspire you!

Many thanks to Robohub’s contributors for all their great suggestions. Here are 25 women in robotics you should know about (in alphabetical order) for 2015:

Nancy Amato

Nancy Amato

Professor at Texas A&M


Spring Berman

Spring Berman

Assistant Professor

Arizona State University


Kate Darling

Kate Darling

Research Specialist



Li Fei-Fei

Li Fei-Fei

Director of SAIL, Associate Professor

Stanford University


Propa Ghosh

Propa Ghosh

Medical Director of Robotic Surgical Services

Hunterdon Medical Center, Greater New York City Area


Cecile Huet

Cecile Huet

Project Officer

European Commission


 ICRA 2015 Organizing Committee

ICRA 2015 Organizing Committee


Ayorkor Korsah

Ayorkor Korsah

Assistant Professor

Ashesi University College, Ghana


Danica Kragic

Danica Kragic

Professor Vice Dean

KTH Sweden, ICRA 2015


Kavita Krishnaswamy

Kavita Krishnaswamy


Hanna Kurniawati

Hanna Kurniawati


University of Queensland


St̩ephanie Lacour

St̩ephanie Lacour


School of Engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique F̩d̩rale de Lausanne.


Cecilia Laschi

Cecilia Laschi

Associate Professor

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy


Hagar Marzouk

Hagar Marzouk

Leader of "Walross" team in MENA

First female leader (Hagar Marzouk of a team in ROV 2014, an Egyptian underwater competition; took the team to first place in Minesweepers 2014, both at the national and international competitions.


Barbara Mazzolai

Barbara Mazzolai

Deputy Director

Center IIT


AJung Moon

AJung Moon


University of British Columbia


Yuki Nakagawa

Yuki Nakagawa

CEO RT Corporation

"Life with Robot" robot arms


Samantha Payne

Samantha Payne

COO of Open Bionics; shortlisted for Entrepreneur of the Year



Angelika Peer

Angelika Peer


Bristol Robotics Lab


Louise Poubel

Louise Poubel

Software Engineer at Open Source Robotics Foundation

San Francisco Bay Area


Wendy Roberts

Wendy Roberts

CEO & Founder?

Five Elements


Noriko Takiguchi

Noriko Takiguchi

robotics journalist


Pree Walia

Pree Walia

CEO & Co-Founder, Preemadonna

San Francisco Bay Area


Jing Xiao

Jing Xiao


University of North Carolina, ICRA 2015, IROS 2015


Yao Zhang

Yao Zhang

cofounder RoboTerra

new Chinese/US educational robotics startup
